Friday, February 11, 2011

All the right moves!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for joining us. On behalf of I-Spy TV, welcome to another episode of ‘Behind the Scenes. The Real Truth!’

I am your host, Askam Avery Dey, along with my cameraperson Kamerame Ray-Jebme.

Today, I have found my way into a secret meeting of the Kong Rest party for a discussion about their strategy to take on their biggest opposition the Vee Zay Fee

I arrive at the scene undercover, and the first person I meet is the chess grandmaster Wishy Washy.

“What are you doing here?” I ask him.

He turns with a start and slowly begins to smile, as he recognizes me.  (I was doing a sting on the appalling conditions for sportsmen in this country when I’d met him… but that’s another story)

“I could ask the same of you!” he says.

Almost panicking, I say, “Listen, competing with reality TV is tough. I need this scoop to keep up the viewership. Don’t give me away!”

He smiles and nods his approval to keep my identity concealed.

“Planning to get into politics?” I ask, relaxing a little.

“No. No.” he says rolling his eyes “I am helping them form their strategy.”

“Oh I see… you’re here as a part of the ‘think tank’, that will help to understand the huge issues that the country faces, like inflation, poverty, lack of education and infrastructure?”

“No. I’m here to give advice on Chess.”

“Chess?” I ask him unbelievingly. “Chess? What’s that got to do with the future of our country?”

“Everything!” he says.

He then proceeds to give me the low down.

“Every person here represents a piece on the chessboard. Take a look around you and you will understand!”

“Firstly, there’s the king. He can move in any direction but only one square at a time. A little slow, but when you are as senior as him (in every way) you can hardly expect Usain Bolt! He is perceived to be the most important piece in the game. Lose him and the game is over.

There’s a catch though. He’s only a showpiece. And he’s useful only when you can use him in conjunction with other pieces. By himself, he’s pretty much running to save his life. A sitting duck!”

I nod with understanding.

“Then you see this piece here? It’s called the Bishop. You can make his type out anytime. He’s usually the tall, lanky chap, who announces the presence of the party in a forum. His demeanor ensures that he is usually among the first to make an aggressive move on behalf of the party.

To start with, he looks like the quiet amicable sort of fellow, standing quietly to the side of the king, behind other pieces. Very easy to miss in the crowd. Don’t be fooled by his sweet looks though. He can move diagonally up and down the board with impunity… as many squares as he wants. This makes him extremely tough to pin down. He usually functions as the spokesperson of the party. You press guys should know about this type. Ask him a question and watch him take the conversation off on a ‘diagonal’ tangent!

These pieces often suffer from 'a change of clothes for every briefing' disease or ‘foot in the mouth’ disease, shooting off their views without the approval of the king. In such cases they are sacrificed and the other bishop comes into play.”

I know this type, I think to myself.

“Now we come to the Knight. These are the guys who are pretty much from the last (or is it lost) generation. They start off with the right intentions, but over six decades of ingraining our country’s way of life, ensures that they get waylaid into doing what they do best. Making money!

So, for every few steps that they take forward, they ‘take some’ on the side. They often walk into a trap in doing so and are sacrificed for the overall good (read ‘saving face’) of the party.”

“Next we have this short, squat piece. The Rook. This piece gives you the ability to approach anything sideways.  They can also move up and down the board, but in a straight line. They are usually used for making direct upfront threats to the opposition and sidestepping issues of great importance with ease. Often, their sideways move (especially when used in conjunction with another Rook – where one defends, while the other attacks) has caught many an opponent off guard, especially when it comes to forming coalitions.

They are also used for a special move called the ‘Castle’ where they exchange places (well almost) with the king, to step upfront and bear the brunt of the attack from the opposition. These pieces are usually trusted with key portfolios like ‘Railways’ or ‘Finance’ or ‘Leader of the House’. They are usually looked upon as the last bastion of the king. Lose these guys and you’re pretty much headed for defeat in the game.”

“These little pieces are called the pawns. Trust me you don’t want to be one, though if you want to rise up to being one of the better pieces, one of the ways is the ability to survive being a pawn. (The other ways being a. Born with Blue Blood, b. Born with Khandani Wealth - so you can buy your place there, or c. Being excellent at the fine art of sucking up) 

The pawns are the pieces that can move only one square at a time, that too straight down the board. Once they’re committed, they can’t even step back. These poor souls are expendable in the game and are, pretty much, treated with disdain.

Their moment of glory – setting up an opposition piece for destruction by sacrificing themselves. Their dying prayer – ‘Lord, next time please don’t let me be born a pawn. Any other piece is fine, but not a pawn I beg you!’

The typical pawn would be seen at rallies bearing the brunt of the lathi charge while the other ‘better’ pieces watch and shake their heads saying ‘This should not have happened’ or the typical media quip by the Bishop ‘He was a brave man. A dedicated party worker. Our hearts go out to his bereaved family tonight… Off the record, there’s a party tonight. My place. The Who’s Who will be there. Please come. Need the publicity.’”

“What about this piece?” I ask, noticing that he’s explained all the other pieces but one.

“Ah.” He says with a gleam in his eye “This one. This is the Queen. The Crowning Glory. The Jewel in the Crown. She plays second fiddle to the king, but every one knows who holds the real power!”

I suddenly feel enlightened. Quite a bit of this is making sense to me. But there are still some unanswered questions.

“Ok. So how do these pieces manage to run the country?” I ask with genuine curiosity.

He looks at me like I’m from outer space.  He says, “Watch your mouth old man. You want to get thrown out of this room?”

He adds in a whisper “This part of the world has many Gods. They run the country! You think anyone here would be foolish enough to think that we, as mere mortals, could do anything to shape our destiny? It is written above and played out on earth. It is all your Karma.”

Realization dawns upon me.

To think, that the government was really in control of things?

To think, that issues of national importance would be taken seriously by them?

To think, that the progress and well-being of the nation was something close to their hearts?

To think they even had a clue!

What a fool I was!

I have got all the answers I need. What a scoop! I decide to head out to the studio and build my scathing, questioning, half-fact, half-conjecture, mostly fiction capsule, to air on prime time tonight!

But before I go, a thought strikes me (It happens! Rarely… but it happens!)

“Tell me...” I ask, as I approach Wishy Washy again, “If the Kong Rest Party uses your services to plan their strategy, wouldn’t the Vee Zay Fee also do the same?

I mean, if they use someone who beat you in the past, wouldn’t that mean that they could defeat the Kong Rest Party?”

Wishy Washy turns to me and says with a condescending smile “Abey, Budwak! Don’t talk about the impossible… the Vee Zay Fee is under the impression that we’re playing Kabaddi!”

Rook G6 to G8. Checkmate!
Kong Rest 1 – Vee Zay Fee - 0

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Ophiuchus complex

Picture this. A proud lion, resting in the shade. Purring gently after a successful hunt. Surrounded by his pride of lionesses and cubs who look up to him in awe. His mane waving majestically in the wind, as his royal eyes sweep his kingdom... the undisputed king of all he surveys.

Now picture this. A crab, scuttling out of his burrow, under cover of night, to quickly snap on an unsuspecting prey, quickly ingesting it and scuttling along back into his burrow, lest he become the entree for a host of other predators, who skulk around in the hope of making a meal out of him!

Who would you rather be?

My guess is that you’d rather be the Lion than the Crab.

I second that.

Unfortunately, I have been unceremoniously booted down the food chain. Just like that. In a matter of minutes. With no remorse, or repent.

Till a few days ago I was born under the proud zodiac of Leo. The ultimate predator. At the top of the food chain.

Today I belong to the zodiac sign of Cancer. A night hunter who is also hunted!

From a 'Fire' sign to a 'Water' sign.

From a proud leader, to a moody, wishy-washy, nice guy!

No offence to Cancerians (I actually like them – my Dad is one), but I much prefer being a Leo.

After all to quote Linda Goodman (the person who has single handedly shaped the future of billions)…

“…Leo, the lion, rules all the other animals. Leo, the person, rules you and everybody else…”


“…another mood Cancerians have. Crabby. The person who gave you a cranky answer when you asked for the time, the one who nearly snapped your head off when you asked him to pass the salt, was probably a Cancer person going through one of his occasional crabby spells that makes him hate the world. He's not angry with you. He's disappointed with life.”

Why would I want to be disappointed with life, when I can rule the world?

I am led to believe that the culprit behind this demotion in the food chain is a wobble. The earth, over thousands of years has wobbled, leading to a change in the alignment of the stars which in turn has led to the birth of a new zodiac sign.

I’m sure a lot of you are also facing the same problem. After years of conditioning ourselves into displaying traits reflective of our current zodiac signs, we now need to realign, unlearn and relearn our inherent traits.

Is it fair, that after so many years of being who we are, we realize that we’re not that person any more?

I mean, we’re talking about a mass scale identity crisis, with billions of lost souls in a dilemma as to whether they should accept the new zodiac signs or stick to their old ones. 

Should they be like a Libra and weigh the pros and cons of each before deciding which one they want to go with? 

Or like the Gemini twins; hold on to both, 'coexist' with both signs and identify with one depending on the situation?

Or should they, like a Taurus, 'bull'doze their way through everything, including the new zodiac sign?

However, there is hope for all of us!

A careful read of each and every zodiac sign, shows promise that you WILL survive.

If you read it without the rose tinted glasses, that predispose you to identifying with any one particular sign, you’d notice that you, as a person, display traits reflective of each and every one of the sun signs. Each one of us has personality traits of all the Zodiac Signs in our behaviour. We just never noticed them before!

So does all the hullabaloo about the new zodiac sign matter? My conclusion is an unequivocal ‘No’!

This is just another instance of someone coming up with a bright idea to fleece poor unsuspecting fools, floating new concepts and sun signs so that they can sell more astrology services, books, predictions and merchandise. After all, a fool and his money are soon parted!

A Leo I was, a Leo I will continue to be. Even if I need to hunt in my kingdom with pincers instead of claws!

Let’s not waste any more time on the Ophiuchus sign and its ramifications on our lives. You’ve already wasted quite a bit of yours reading this blog. Go on. Do something useful for a change! 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Get with the Program, Dude!

Technology! One word that means so much, to so many people. It has permeated our lives and our lifestyles.

I, for one, am a tech freak! And proud to be one too. I mean, if we were to draw a comparison between where we were and where we are, you’d see how much my life has improved because of ‘Technology’.

A typical day in the past went like this
  1. Wake up
  2. Brush your teeth (‘Signal’ toothpaste with 3 red lines was a rage)
  3. Eat a healthy breakfast  - whatever you felt like (Paranthas with Ghee, Fried eggs with the yolk, bread with loads of butter, Jam with artificial flavours and loads of sugar.)
  4. Leave for School
  5. Get back home and change - Just pile on any clothing you find
  6. Do some shopping errands for Mom
  7. Play with your friends till you were really tired
  8. Get back home and do your homework
  9. Have a tasty, high fat, high-calorie, home-cooked dinner, while watching a program on the family TV (whatever was on at the time – even if it was that one for farmers!)
  10. Brush your teeth
  11. Sleep

As a child I lived in blissful ignorance (Don’t know, don’t care!). There was nothing that couldn’t wait till tomorrow.

I never thought beyond my “Happy Zone”. After all, what good would it do to miss out on my sleep, by worrying about what happened in the US yesterday, or who waged war with whom. That was information which only interested the serious quiz buffs. Not me!

It was a boring, mundane, ignorant, SSDD (Same S@#$ Different Day) existence.

Over time, we have been more and more exposed to information and technology (not necessarily in that order)

One thrives off the other. The better the technology, the more the information. And the more the information, the better the technology.

In fact it has reached a stage where we are addicted to technology and through it, information.

We are constantly bombarded by information. 

A lot of which, we imbibe. 

A lot of it, inane. 

A lot of it planted by associations and groups of individuals, with pure commercial interests!

Information overload is the norm of the day. It has changed us forever.

A typical day today goes like this
  1. Wake up
  2. Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android or a combination of the three (Now you can stay connected 24 x 7. If you’re not, you’re missing something! Courtesy - Mobile Phone Manufacturers’ Association)
  3. Brush with a non-fluoride toothpaste (Research has shown that an overdose of fluoride can cause abdominal pain, convulsions, diarrhea, heart attacks. Information courtesy – The Toothpaste Manufacturers’ Association)
  4. Follow it up with mouthwash (only mouthwash ensures that upto 90%* of the germs in your mouth are killed, leaving your breath fresh and germ free for longer. Information courtesy – The Mouthwash Manufacturers’ Association)
  5. Shower with an exfoliating body wash. Shampoo with an anti-dandruff, hair-loss protecting, extra-bounce shampoo. (Courtesy – The Personal Care Product Manufacturers’ Association)
  6. Eat a healthy Breakfast – Make sure you have a balanced diet (Fruits, Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Potassium, Protein, Carbohydrates, etc. etc. Not too much of anything but a bit of everything – after all we do need to watch those calories. Information courtesy – The Breakfast Cereal Manufacturers’ Association)
  7. Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android (again)
  8. Get ready to leave for office – make sure that the brand you wear reflects your personality (or vice versa)
  9. Get into your car (the bigger, the better – after all mine IS bigger than yours!)
  10. Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android
  11. Put on your hands free (preferably a blue tooth headset – no wires you see – unless blue tooth waves give you a headache – Research shows that too much* - note the asterisk- exposure to Bluetooth waves can cause irreversible brain damage. Information courtesy – The Wired Handsfree Manufacturers’ Association)
  12. Drive to office (Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android thrice on the way while driving)
  13. Reach your workstation (Ergonomically designed to make you more productive. Information courtesy – The Modular Furniture Manufacturers’ Association)
  14. Boot up your computer (Powered by the new 8-core processor with Terabytes of Storage and Gargantuan Amounts of RAM – helping in increasing your productivity by upto 65% - when compared to a 486 processor under standard test conditions. Information courtesy – The Computer Manufacturers’ Association)
  15.  Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android
  16. Download all the mail that you already checked 6 times on your Blackberry / IPhone / Android on to your computer, reply to a few, flag some for follow up, forward some more and mark the rest as Spam / Junk
  17. Get on to Facebook (Over 300 friends, no updates from any, but Farmville sure is fun)
  18. Get on to Linked in. Increase the size of your network (You already have over 500 professional contacts. Not that you ever used it to any benefit, but it has great show off value to your colleague ‘See how many contacts I have on Linked in?’)
  19. Desperately lunge for the minimize button when your boss passes by.
  20. Forward a few official mails (after all you DO get paid for it!)
  21. Order Pizzas for lunch, online. Rationalize by ordering a Diet beverage to go with it. (Cuts down on sugar intake helping you maintain your weight. Information courtesy – The Beverages Manufacturers’ Association)
  22. Repeat steps 15 to 20 till EOD (for the uninitiated – End Of Day)
  23. Wind up for the day and reach home
  24. Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android
  25. Eat (again a balanced diet) while simultaneously channel surfing, reading the newspaper and catching up on mobile news alerts through the new app on your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android
  26. Add in a few grunts and ‘hmmms’ into the family conversation about how much time on the PS3 is good for the children
  27. Finish your meal, Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android
  28. Brush & Mouthwash
  29. Check your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android and put it / them to charge so that you can stay connected 24 x 7
  30. Check it / them once more, before you go to sleep while simultaneously flipping between two episodes of Friends running parallel on different channels, on the fourth TV in your house.  (Multi tasking is in!)
  31. Wake up twice at night with Email alerts on your Blackberry/ IPhone / Android.

Today, I am well Informed – I know everything about everything. Not that I can ever put it to use, I always forget when it is time to remember!

I also suffer from an extreme case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) – An email or SMS notification requires immediate attention. Immediate! Even if I’m halfway through my marital duties!

I sleep less. After all… Who needs sleep? Not me! Watch me try… or maybe die?

I’ve discovered a new perspective on family ties – I see my kids growing horizontally. The only time I notice them, is when they’re in bed, sleeping!

I’ve discovered new methods to communicate (A.K.A. Innovation)
  • My kids are on my friends  / family list on Facebook. I usually communicate with them through it.
  • My shopping / grocery list is SMSed to me by my wife
  • I don’t waste time on sharing private moments with my family…  instead I plaster it all over my Facebook wall / Picasa album, for the whole world to see! 

I spend “Quality Time”, once a week with the family, instead of “Normal” time with them every day.

I have perfected the art of driving while looking at my mobile screen.

I have perfected the art of typing on a keyboard the size of a matchbox.

I play sports actively (Basketball, Tennis, Cricket, etc.) on my hand held device. I’ve even crossed expert levels in a few!

I’m with it! I can connect with anyone, anytime, anywhere, anyhow. Only thing is I hardly connect with anyone, since somehow, I don’t have the time anymore.

Now, if only I could remember my wedding anniversary? No problem… I’ll make an entry on my handheld and synchronize it with my online account and my computer’s calendar. I love the reminder service! Next is What?

Nothing beats technology. I can do so much and yet achieve so little.

Ever since I’ve accepted technology as my new God and information as his messenger, life’s been on a high!

High Stress. High BP. High Sugar. High Cholesterol. High chances of an early death!

Life is so much better and easier, now that we are driven by technology and information. Isn’t it?

I mean, who could imagine leading a life of ignorance (and bliss) when one can be enlightened, online, connected 24 x 7 and stressed out?

Monday, January 31, 2011

Tomorrow belongs to... us?

Our generation… the children who grew up in a safe and happy environment. Without a care in the world - knowing, that tomorrow belonged to us.

How fast that ‘tomorrow’ came and went.

We have seen the world change around us. And changed it has!

Yes, there was life before Computers, Mobile Phones and PlayStations. A very different life, but a life nonetheless…

Those were the days when nobody would sue you if you called them gay… queer days indeed!

When being part of a ‘minority group’ meant that you had a fight with your friends and only your best friend saw your point of view.

When the word ‘Cosmopolitan’ actually meant something (beyond being a women’s magazine that enjoys the largest male readership)

When it didn’t matter whether you were Hindu, Muslim or Christian. Everyone went to the same school and shared their benches, their education and their tiffin.

When ‘reservation’ meant booking your railway berths in advance, only to share them with an unfortunate family, who didn’t manage to get theirs but got on to the train anyway.

When a B&W TV at home meant that you had arrived in life and the only channel we got featured ‘Phool Khile Hai Gulshan Gulshan’ and ‘Chitrahaar’. Very unlike today, when we have Colour TVs, Plasma TVs, LCD TVs, LED TVs, 3D TVs. In every shape and size. Each capable of showing you over 250 channels (thanks to DTH) with nothing on them worth spending more than 10 minutes on.

Those were the times… when Thums up was consumed in bulk (at Re. 1 per bottle) without the associated paranoia of consuming toilet cleaner or pesticides. And Enteroquinol was popped as frequently as the 5 paisa, black & white striped toffee, called ‘Bull’s-eye’

When it was common for doctors to take a smoke break while advising their patients to quit.

When people did not need to put disclaimers on anything, and an ‘Asterisk’ only featured in a borrowed comic book.

When a salary of Rs. 10,000 a month put you among the elite in your city (Today, it’s not even enough to retain an office boy, who flits between jobs like a butterfly on a caffeine overdose)

When ‘Job Satisfaction’ was about being thankful that you even had a job!

When, as kids, we were ‘conditioned’ to believe that everyone who did ‘Business’ was either a ‘Black Marketeer’ or a ‘Smuggler’, and having a ‘steady’ job (where you spent your entire life till you retired) was the only way to gain respect in the community. Today, a self-owned business is like the Bajaj Chetak of the yesteryears. Everyone wants one.

Those were the days… when the common mode of travel in Mumbai (it was called Bombay then) was the BEST bus or local train and a taxi was a luxury.

When Fiats (Premier Padminis) and Ambassadors ruled the world, the Contessa was a top end luxury car and an Impala was the ultimate statement of wealth.

When fixed deposits gave you 18-20% interest per annum and you could actually grow your wealth by investing in them (can you believe that?)

When Blueberries and Wild Berries were the only berries that interested you.

When the world did not revolve around variations of “i” (phone, pod, pad, tunes, work, life, photo, movie, DVD, etc.)

When apples were eaten to avoid the doctor and windows needed curtains.

When happiness was a Sinclair ZX Spectrum with 256 KB memory.

When Faces had nothing to do with Books.

When your list of friends was about quality, not quantity.

When a 'Diss' was the badly spelled opposite of a 'Datt'

When we communicated in English, nt in a funy scrpt tht gos smthng lk ths (If u kn rd ths msg thn u gt d bg 2!)

When crossing a road was not a near death experience.

When sending children to the department store alone, to help with shopping, was no big deal.

When moms did not worry if their children were hours late in getting back from school… or play.

When mushrooms were cooked & eaten and ecstasy was what you felt when you were happy.

When guns were not sold like peanuts.

When the only person who terrorized you was the principal of your school.

When jails were meant to punish people. And prisoners ate what was placed in front of them (instead of demanding Biryani and Kebabs)

When bandits were bad guys (not politicians)

When cops were good guys (not an extension of politicians, who were once bandits!)

When your best friend would not kidnap you for ransom to pay his debts.

When honour had nothing to do with killing.

When ‘Adarsh’ meant 'Ideal'.

When there were no Jessica Lals. Or Priyadarshini Mattoos.  Or Arushis.

How much our 'vision of tomorrow' has changed!

For better or for worse? You decide! 

Monday, January 24, 2011

It starts with me... or does it end here?

Reading the newspaper this morning, I realized how far we have come as Indians… 

In the last 63 years of our independence, we have turned around from being one of the poorest countries in the world to being one of the fastest growing economies on the globe. 

Today's India is shining! But is it really?

The growth of wealth in our country is keeping pace with the growth of our population. There are now more wealthy Indians than have ever been before.

There is also a very distinct divide between the haves and have-nots! Our society’s norms and the hedonistic mores that we developed as we progressed, cater purely to those who have the money and are willing to spend.

Gone are the days when a home cooked meal at the dining table was a great way to spend a Sunday with the family.  When Diwali, Christmas and Eid were celebrated more as a means to meet your extended family and friends and build bonhomie than to show how much wealth you possess.

When it did not matter what car you drove (whether you even had a car), what brand of shirt you wore or where you spent your summer holidays.

Today, there is only one thing that drives us as a race. Money!

And this desire to be ‘rich’ has percolated down into every household, every citizen, every nook and corner of our lives.

Nobody is happy to get what they got. Everyone wants to get rich and get rich quick. It doesn’t matter how you get it. As long as you get it.

A friend of mine had a very apt description for today's norm - ‘High on ambition… Low on Morality’. 

The spate of crimes being uncovered every second day confirms this. These are crimes being committed by highly educated youth from good family backgrounds (including MBAs and school children). There is only one justification they have when asked about why they did it. The lure of earning quick money to support their lifestyles.  Lifestyles, that are beyond their means. Fuelled by an overkill of advertising that glorifies ‘must haves’, longing to keep up with better off friends, or simply, greed!

Everyday we read about such instances in the newspapers. Everyday we hope that our children will not go down that path. Everyday we put down the papers and forget about it, while we get on with our lives.

And the reason behind this is corruption and apathy.

Corruption of the system. Corruption of our values. Corruption of our thoughts. And our acceptance of the same.

Today it is impossible to think of doing anything without greasing palms. A lot of our parents have gone through their lives without paying a single paisa as a bribe. They still managed to get things done. We, however, cannot get anything done without paying someone off. 

And we accept it.  

‘As long as it does not affect me, why should I bother?” is a thought that most of us are familiar with. The problem is that a lot of people thought the same way about Hitler. We saw the consequences of that.

Where did we go wrong? When did it become acceptable to pay someone to get a ‘jump the queue / get out of jail free' card? Why are we accepting of corruption when it favours us? Why are we OK with the corruption of our very moral fibre?

We all feel insulted when the world media plasters accounts of corruption related to the Commonwealth Games all over their front pages. Yet we are first to bring out that 100 rupee note to get out of a troublesome or sticky situation. Some ‘crimes’ are acceptable. Some are not.

We know that it is wrong. We know that there should be change. But who will bell the cat?

How can a criminal judge a criminal? We can look aghast at the crimes being committed by youth today, but we should really be stopping to ask ourselves... "What was my role in this?"

Acceptance of lowered morality? Apathy towards things that are not directly related to us? Actively participating in creating the hedonistic norm, of living beyond our means? Or being ostriches – choosing to do nothing and instead sticking our heads into the ground, hoping that the problem will be gone when we surface?

There is an urgent requirement to weed out the rot in the system, but unless we start with ourselves, it would be a case of the burglar crying ‘thief’.

We have a long way to go… and a lot that we need to do. I shall ponder over it and hopefully come up with a quick fix solution to take care of corruption once and for all.

In the meantime, I will go back to my apathetic ways and grease the palms of the next traffic cop who pulled me over for jumping a signal! Maybe you should too! After all isn’t it true that if we are all corrupt, then the world is equal once more?